
campus centre UPEC

UPEC is characterized by:

  • a democratic governance system involving all the university's stakeholders (students, staff, partners) in discussions on its operation and development;
  • an administration that strives to carry out the university's objectives;
  • shared tools and procedures for optimal management;
  • a constant concern for quality of service.

The Governance

The university is led by a president, who is assisted by an Executive Committee. The president is elected for 4 years by the Board of Governors, which is made up of vice-presidents, assessors, and project managers.

Find out more about the Governance (French version)

Faculties, Schools and Institutes

UPEC is organized into 7 faculties, 8 schools and institutes, and 1 observatory.

Find out more about our faculties, schools and institutes (French version)

Administrative Departments and Services

A dedicated administrative team working to drive the university's objectives 

Find out more about the administrative departments and services (French version)

Boards and Committees

At UPEC, boards, commissions, and committees comprising staff and students make major decisions that guide the Executive Committee's actions.

Find out more about the boards and committees (French version)