Open Science

Open science is a societal movement that aims to guarantee free access to scientific research and literature, and encourage the dissemination of data and results to the general public. UPEC is involved in the dissemination of scientific research and is committed to an open science approach.

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Open Science at UPEC

UPEC's open science policy is implemented by its Department of Research Support and Promotion Through Open Access and Digital Technology (SAVAN), which disseminates scientific research, communicates findings, and shares knowledge. SAVAN offers researchers and professors a range of services, and provides information about open science and its impact on scientific publications.


HAL As a major player in research, UPEC encourages its researchers to commit to tackling contemporary social and scientific challenges. The HAL-UPEC portal expresses the institution's desire to promote open science and enhance the work carried out by laboratories.
> Find out more (French version)