• International,

UPEC labelled "Bienvenue en France" (Welcome to France)

Published on May 28, 2020

Actively involved in the national plan for French higher education attractiveness, UPEC is awarded two stars on new label "Bienvenue en France" (Welcome to France), a recognition of the high quality of its support services to international students.

Granted by Campus France, the French agency for the promotion of higher education, hospitality and international mobility, the "Bienvenue en France" label is valid for 4 years.

The label is delivered based on a self-assessment survey supported by satisfying proof records in 5 categories :
  • Quality and accessibility of information
  • Support services
  • Academic programs
  • Housing and campus life
  • Post-graduation follow-up
Continuous improvement of the quality of international students’ reception and support is one of UPEC's international policy top priorities.

A commitment demonstrated since first undertaking the "Welcome to France" label process in spring 2019 and which led to implementing new measures easing in International students’ arrival by early September.

The two-star level label is a recognition of this commitment and the ongoing efforts of the university to support its International students.