House of Environmental Science

Since April 2018, the House of Environmental Science (Maison des Sciences de l'Environnement) has welcomed around 100 researchers with the aim of becoming a major player in environmental research.

Since April 2018, around 100 researchers working on environmental issues have been based at the House of Environmental Science, a 3,700 m² building on UPEC's central campus. With its regionally and nationally impactful scientific research facility, the House of Environmental Science aims to facilitate collaboration between teams, contribute to the quality of research in the environmental field, and offer local companies a first-rate technological platform to pitch collaborative research projects.
To meet common objectives related to internal and external calls for tender, training, and development, research teams use shared logistics and technical platforms such as the spectroscopy platform and the Regional Multi-Environment and Multi-Pollutant Platform (PRAMMICS). The House of Environmental Science also contributes to the dissemination of knowledge by hosting leading scientific events.

Partner Laboratories

The laboratories involved in the project are:
-    Atmospheric Systems Interuniversity Laboratory (Laboratoire Interuniversitaire des Systèmes Atmosphériques, LISA);
-    The Water, Environment and Urban Systems Laboratory (Laboratoire Eau Environnement Systèmes Urbains, LEESU), formerly CEREVE (Centre d'Enseignement et de Recherche sur l'Eau, la Ville et l'Environnement);
-    Planetary Science Observatory - Fluid Envelops of Cities to Astrobiology (Observatoire des Sciences de l'Univers - Enveloppes Fluides de la Ville à l'Exobiologie, OSU-EFLUVE) with its 5 founding laboratories: LISA, LEESU, the Center for the Study and Research of Thermal Physics, the Environment and Systems (Centre d'Etudes et de Recherche en Thermique, Environnement et Systèmes, CERTES), the Soil and Water Department of IEES (SOLéO), and the Center for Education and Research of the Atmospheric Environment (Centre d'Enseignement et de Recherche en Environnement Atmosphérique, CEREA).

The House of Environmental Science Project

Launched in June 2015, the project to build the House of Environmental Science was included in the 2007-2013 State-Region Project Contract. It has benefited from €15 million in funding entirely from the Paris region. Led by the architectural firm AIA Associés, under the contracting authority of the Paris region, construction of the building followed NF® HQE environmental building certification. In addition, the building features a bioclimatic design which makes use of strong winds for natural ventilation, as well as for nocturnal ventilation of the offices. It has extensive external insulation, and heat is supplied by the local network, which is 30% biomass energy.