Working in France

Published on January 24, 2011 Updated on January 13, 2021

Working for financial support when you are a student is very common. Working part time in France will not allow you to cover all your expenses, but it is a useful addition. It is important !

All foreign students have the right to work while they are studying in France if they are registered with an establishment affiliating them to the student social security scheme (and have a residence permit if they are not a national of the E.U.)

This right applies to all students (but Algerian nationals and doctoral students need to obtain an APT - provisional work permit from the DIRECCTE of their places of residence) including those arriving in France for the first time or enrolled in their first year. French law allows students to work a maximum of 964 hours a year. This represents about twenty hours a week. In France, there is a minimum wage, SMIC (minimum growth wage), which is €10.03, gross per hour of work. 

Useful sources

Jobs at UPEC
Looking for a part-time job that is compatible with your studies? There are some jobs available within the university itself.
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Jobs outside UPEC
Looking for a lasting opportunity? Do not hesitate to check the job offers posted by recruiters on the Réseau Pro platform accessible via your E-Campus digital account.

- you must be a UPEC student,
- you must have a UPEC student card